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Compliance is operated and controlled by Daisy Communications Ltd who are committed to compliance with all regulatory requirements as well as all internal processes and relevant ISO standards. These requirements are met through training, monitoring and auditing whilst continually improving policies and processes to ensure they reflect any and all changes in legislation.

Daisy Communications Ltd is also committed to conducting business in an honest and ethical manner and to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity at all times.

To support the effective implementation of compliance program, we have a dedicated compliance team that report into the Executive Board. The compliance program is designed to ensure that all employees meet the high standards that we have set for ourselves.

Below, we have published regulatory information and links to relevant policies and codes of practice that customers may find useful:

Daisy Communications Ltd is certified to the following ISO standards:

  • ISO9001 – Quality Management
  • ISO14001 – Environmental Management
  • ISO27001 – Information Security Management

A copy of each certificate can be supplied upon request.


Accessibility and Vulnerability Policy

This policy sets out our commitment to customers who may require support related to disability or vulnerability.


Anti-Bribery and Corruption Code

This code of conduct sets out our commitment to comply with applicable laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption.


Business Broadband Speeds Code of Practice

This code of practice sets out our voluntary commitment to ensure customers who purchase relevant broadband products are given clear and contractual broadband speeds at the point of sale.


Group Tax Policy

This policy sets out the wider Daisy Group tax strategy in compliance with the Finance Act 2016.


Modern Slavery Act Statement

This statement details the steps we have taken to comply with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


Further information can be found by visiting the Daisy Communications compliance page.