We’re all used to having the internet readily available at our workplaces, but are you prepared should it fail? Having a leased line failover or some sort of connectivity backup could prove crucial to your business should the worst happen and there’s no time like the present to prepare for the unexpected.
What is a Leased Line Failover?
Put simply a leased line failover is a resiliency measure – a connectivity backup. A failover is, generally, a backup broadband connection or an additional Ethernet leased line which is in place in case a businesses main connectivity source fails for whatever reason.
Who should get a failover?
Any business can look at a failover connection as a leased line backup option but it’s mainly a viable solution for larger businesses. Companies who simply cannot afford a reduction of downtime and need a resilient connectivity backup.
How would this help my business?
We’ve helped supply many businesses with a leased line failover or connectivity backup option. For example, one of our customers a large brewery chose to have two leased lines installed. The two leased lines were diversely routed providing a true layer of resiliency, with a secondary data route to a back-up exchange.
In the event of a fault at the main exchange or cable failure – the Diverse Routing solution provides staff and clients the continuity without any downtime. The brewery relied on IoT and had widgets on their beer pumps. This automatically updated how much was left in the pump and informed the brewery when to re-order supplies and start production again. One of the leased lines failed after a nearby building company cut through the cables by accident. However, the brewery never noticed a reduction in productivity or operations. This is because its Ethernet backup kicked in and provided the reliable connectivity the business relied so heavily upon.
How does a connectivity backup or leased line failover work?
We’ll install a leased line which would seamlessly switch your internet traffic over from your main line should anything happen with your main Ethernet leased line service.
Should you choose to invest in a leased line failover, our team can provide you the diversely routed (RA02) fibre. This ensures your circuit is connected to different local exchanges. To enter the building at different points, operate from separate data centres, use different routers and separate switches within our network. If your main connection fails, every aspect of your failover connection is different therefore, won’t experience the same problems.
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